I find this tool to be frustratingly limited. I was excited at first because we do host several client events throughout the year and thought this tool would help in that matter. What we are finding is it might be more of a headache than it’s worth and that’s frustrating. First off, why can 1 invitee only register for a max of 3 guests? Who chose this? This should be customizable based on our needs not some computer programmer who knows nothing about our events. We should be able to customize and limit the RSVP to a specific number of guests starting at 0 and ending with a number more than 3 but less than 100. For example, we have an event currently with a max RSVP of guest +1 but all our clients received an email with a Guest +3 option in which we then had to explain to each of them that the system is limited and we only have room for 1 guest per person.
Next, for guests that cannot make the event, there is no option for them to RSVP “No”. The guests are emailing us directly stating they can’t make it because the tool doesn’t provide that option.
Lastly, we have no way of removing guests that email us they cannot attend from the email reminder string which means guests we’ve already communicated with that have stated their inability to attend are still getting reminder emails asking them to RSVP to an event they can’t attend… It’s frustrating to have to explain that we’ve hired a firm who clearly has never put on an event ever because they don’t understand the basic premise of how an RSVP actually works.
Our humble request – Fix this broken nonsense and make it work the way every other event RSVP system works. If need be, hire a developer from Event Bright because they clearly understand these systems better…